Experimental Teaching Keywords Exercise Banner.png


UC Santa Cruz

  • Technologies of Representation (Spring 23)

  • Data Cultures: Art, Technology, and the Politics of Visual Representation (Spring 17, Winter 23)

  • Museums in the Internet Era (Winter 22)

  • How to Do Things with Pictures: Media, Culture, and Performance (Spring 20, Winter 23)

  • From Memes to Metadata: An Introduction to Digital Visual Culture (Fall 17, Spring 19, Spring 20, Spring 22)

  • Art, Disaster, and Resilience (Fall 18, Spring 22)

  • Approaches to Visual Studies (Winter 20, Winter 21)

  • Introduction to Visual Studies (Winter 18)

  • Networks and Natures: Art, Technology, and the Nonhuman (Fall 17)

  • A Short History of the Digital (Winter 17)

  • Topics in Contemporary Art: Art and Disaster (Winter 17)

  • Media History & Theory (Fall 16, Fall 20)

Harvard University

  • The Mixed-Reality City: Transit (team taught)

  • Japan's 2011 Disasters and Their Aftermath: A Workshop on Digital Research (team taught)

  • Sex and the Citizen: Race, Gender and Belonging in the United States (teaching assistant)

  • Frames of Mind: Film Theory (teaching assistant)

  • The Art of Film (teaching assistant)